Kith + 1000 Hours Podcast
Back in November I had the pleasure of talking with Ginny Yurich on her 1000 Hours Podcast. We spoke of where Kith began, the challenges of running a homestead and my favourite memories of being outside. It launched just this week and I’m so glad to be able to share it with you today (if you’ve not already listened to it!)
Chatting with the community we’ve also picked out our favourite episodes…
Alastair Humphreys - Get Out of Your Normal Life and Live a Little Bit More Adventurously
Lenore Skenazy - Interview with "America's Worst Mom"
Kim John Payne - The Undeclared War On Childhood
“Whilst children are young you can help them build their awareness of the world one mini-adventure at a time. Those adventures may look insignificant sometimes but even just a walk around a block can provide a huge wealth of experience to a growing child. It's like the scaffolding to bigger adventures.”