Freshwater Adventures - The Basics
Pond dipping (also including streams, rivers, lakes in the word “pond”) has to go down as one of the most important opportunities we can offer our children. The discovery, the learning, the wonder and awe when little toes enter a stream are vast and when coupled with the familiarity of place, it’s benefits far outweighing any traditional four walls based learning.
I could talk all day on the merits of water-y adventures for children but for now, I’ll leave you with some top tips.
Step 1 in this process is finding a safe place for you and your family to explore the water. Becoming familiar with it and finding an ease whilst visiting. Once you’ve found your spot, begin to explore it. Follow the water up-stream, down stream, from bank to bank if possible. Play. Enjoy. Relax.
The picture below is taken from the 25 Spring Things ebook. I’m offering it to you for free here as I believe it’s such an important one.
When falling in love with wild spaces, us grown-ups have to do a little ground work in order for our littles to feel at ease. For the first few trips that might involve a bit of extra thinking.
read the weather forecast
plan your spot
spare clothes
patience and love
We’re talking basic human needs here. Reading your children and where they’re at is essential in order for water-adventures to run smoothly.
Don’t rush them in, especially don’t rush them out. Let them know if you’re having to leave, “we have about half an hour before we have to get out” and factor in a buffer of time 5-10 minutes if you know you’re on a limit.
Plan ahead to make sure you know the spot you’re heading and when you arrive doing a lighting fast risk assessment to identify any potential hazards including…
Water speed/depth
Entry points to the water
Including what they’ll likely be after wet feet have entered and exited the stream multiple times. Will the banks/edges become slippy or inaccessible?
Exit strategies
Sounds dramatic right, but if you have to make a swift exit to the stream with little one in arms, what’s your plan?
Other people/animals
Are you in a field of livestock? Will there be dog walkers around? Is it a public footpath?
What’s the under-foot situation?
Sink-y sand, boggy clay, slippy rocks, steep dropping banks?
Would water-shoes be an idea for acclimatising or protecting feet?
25 Spring Things
Get your free copy of 25 Spring Things at the link below. You’ll find this pond dipping piece with 24 more other ideas to get out into the spring sunshine this year.