January - What We’re Working On

Around the space

We’ve been whipped around with wild weather for the last few days at Kith. Blasts of stormy winds and rain putting the breaks on any big maintenance jobs. B and I had planned on taking apart all the old healing garden planters but didn’t quite fancy it when we saw the storm clouds rolling over. I find at this time of the year there’s a huge to-do list (as usual) but over the years I’ve become quite zen about what’s achievable.

With a young child in tow, with the wild weather, with our own energies, we do what we can in the moment. If at the end of the day we know we’ve done our best, that’s an achievement, and if not, then, there’s always tomorrow to try again.

Heading back to the books

I love this time of the year, a chance to re-set and start over. What I think I know vs what I actually know are sometimes quit different so taking my favourite companions off the shelf to check in again is a great learning experience. I’m always inspired by these books, they’ve become my go to guides over the years and you can guarantee my to-do list triples after reading them, but so worth it.

I’ve been figuring out new ideas for the healing garden. In front of the willow dome is looking pretty shabby now. After 100’s of little excited fingers went through it searching for strawberries last summer, the whole area is in need of an overhaul.

To be continued…

This month we’re…



