December - What we’re working on

In the veg patch

As the weather becomes cooler this month, our bodies are able to set about doing the big jobs without overheating. This is my favourite season, every day the weather gives us some sort of magic, yes, even in the dreary grey days there are little moments of delight. Frozen droplets on spider webs, swirling mists and chattering birds. I’m not so keen on the baking sun and endless heat of the summer so for me, I can begin to move again without fear of frazzling. There’s something so satisfying about generating your own body heat through some proper garden work. Shifting, lugging, lifting, wrangling with overgrown stems of blackcurrants then cuddling cups of hot tea in enamel mugs (enamel both loses heat and conducts heat really quickly so perfect for a hot tea which cools quick enough for you to drink it! There’s method in the madness I’m sure.)

This month we’re…


Rustic Wreaths


Advent Spiral